Vagabond of the Month for October: Steve Spritzer

Steve S

Vagabond of the Month for October: Steve Spritzer

Month you were born in:
I was born in September.

Where you are originally from and/or where do you live now:
I’m originally from Brockton, and currently live in the town of Bridgewater.

What days/times you typically train at VBC:
I’m usually training at Vagabond on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at 9:00, and on Friday afternoons.

What’s the best thing about Vagabond?
Without a doubt, the best thing about Vagabond is the coaching staff. It really is what sets Vagabond apart. The coaches all have their individual strengths which make them unique, and when put together, this group is head and shoulders above the rest.

My proudest accomplishment(s) in my training…
I would say that my best training accomplishment since joining Vagabond would be listening to, and learning from, the knowledge of Kevin and the coaches.

Some current training goals and/or personal goals are…
My current training goal has been going back to the basics with the Olympic lifts, taking my time to progress properly with them. One step back to take two steps forward.