Vagabond CrossFit No Grain Challenge Day 30- The Finale
*Vagabond CrossFit No Grain Challenge has come to an end, and now it is time to see the results. We will be running a regular class schedule throughout the day. The times for coming in and getting your measurements and workout in will be the following: 6:00 am, 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 12:00 pm, 4:30 pm, 5:35 pm, and 6:35 pm. Make it a prioriority to get your behind in the gym on Thursday to get your results taken down. Also, if you did not take part in the No Grain Challenge, this is still a perfect time, to get your fitness tested and see where you stand from 30 days ago.*
*Coaches will be running the class and repetitions must be accounted for during the workout to ensure you get a proper score for the Test Workout. We are asking all Vagabonds after they have completed their Measurements and Test Workout, to report weight loss, inches lost in hips and waist, and final test score to coaches running the classes, so we can get a total weight loss and total inches lost during the NO GRAIN CHALLENGE, to see how we did as a gym overall!*
*Vagabond CrossFit/CrossFit Providence/CrossFit Craic Turkey Throwdown this Saturday, November 19th, 2011 @ 10:00 am. You must be at CrossFit Providence no later than 9:15 am, to register for the event. We will be leaving Vagabond CrossFit @ 7:45 am, if anyone wants to meet and carpool down to CrossFit Providence! Also registration is still open, and will be open until 5:00 pm on Thursday, November 17th, 2011*
I. Dynamic Specific and Mobility Prep:
Coaches Options x 10 to 12 Minutes of following movements.
II. Vagabond CrossFit No Grain Challenge Test Workout:
4 Minute AMRAP of Kettlebell Swings
Rest 1:00 Minute
3:00 Minute AMRAP of Kettlebell Goblet Squats
Rest 1:00 Minute
2:00 Minute AMRAP of Kettlebell Sumo Dead High Pull
Rest 1:00 Minute
1:00 Minute AMRAP of Burpees
Rest 3:00 Minutes
Run 400 m Time Trial
*Compare to October 17th, 2011*
*Score will be Repetitions Minus Seconds on 400 m Time Trial Run*
Post Results to Comments.
Congrats to everyone who completed the No-Grains challenge. Seeing some insane results based on some of the measurements today!
I was totally inspired by what kind of hard work and dedication I have seen in the last month. Now seeing the results, it is solid proof if you put in the effort you can reach any goal you set for yourself!
I am so close to mine; I lost 7 pounds 2.25 inches on waist and 1 inch hips!!( my goal on wall was 9 lbs before even knowing we would have a no-grain challenge). I am sticking with the no grains. I may have to make one loaf of my favorite bread – from scratch as a reward and have a hot slice but thats it!