Wednesday 12.4.2019 + Vagabond of the Month for November: Erica C.

I. Dynamic and Mobility Prep Warm-Up:
Lifestyle + Fitness Phase Prep
3 minutes of zone 1 work
3-5 minutes of coach option
3 Sets of the following of Coach Run Warm-Up:
15 Seconds of No Push-Up Burpees
Rest 15 Seconds
45 Seconds of Assault Bike
Rest 15 Seconds
15 Seconds of Plank Holds
Rest 15 Seconds


II. Phases Strength + Conditioning:

A. Lifestyle Phase

Upper Body Pull/Single Leg/Upper Body Pull/PC + Conditioning

A1. TRX Flexed Arm Hang, 6-8 seconds holds, rest, 6-8 second holds, rest, 6-8 second holds x 3 sets, rest 45 seconds.

If you like to perform Strict Supinated Pull-Ups, you can perform 6-8 reps or clusters of x 3 sets.

A2. Double Leg Hip Rocks, 15 reps x 3 sets, rest 45 seconds.

A3. KB Row, 8 reps/each arm x 3 sets, rest 45 seconds.

A4. KB Farmer’s Walk, 45 seconds total time x 3 sets, rest 45 seconds.


C. Conditioning of the following:

5 Rounds of the following:

10 DB Push Press

10 Cal Assault Bike

20 Second FLR Hold

10 Box Step-Ups Weighted if you want(5/each leg)

No rest between sets, just keep moving.


B. Fitness Phase

Posterior Bend Olympic Lift Focus+ Single Leg/Core + Conditioning

A1. Snatch Grip Deadlift, 5 sets of 2 reps, rest 45 seconds between sets.

A2. Single Leg Hip Rock, 8 reps/each leg x 5 sets, rest 15 seconds between sets.

A3. DB Single Arm Push Press, 6 reps/each arm x 5 sets, rest 45 seconds between sets.


B. Conditioning of the following:

5 Rounds of the following:

10 Russian KBS

10 Pull-Ups(Sub in TRX Row)

20 Second KB Farmer’s Hold

10 Cal Row

No rest between sets, just keep moving.


C. Competition Phase

Squat Variation + OH Squat Variation +Gymnastics Skill Sets + Conditioning Sets

A. Front Squat, 80% x 1 rep x 8 sets.

B. Overhead Squat, 80% x 1 rep x 8 sets.


C. Conditioning Sets of the following:

6 Minutes of the following:

8 Cal Row

8 Step-Down Box Jumps

8 OH Squats @ 95/65 lbs


Rest 3 Minutes on Assault Bike


6 Minutes of the following:

8 Cal Row

8 Burpees

8 Russian KBS


Rest 3 Minutes on Assault Bike


6 Minutes of the following:

8 Cal Row

8 Hang Power Snatch @ 75/55 lbs

8 Kipping Pull-Ups


Rest 3 Minutes on Assault Bike


6 Minutes of the following:

6 Cal Row

12 Walking Lunges(6/each side)

20 Second KB Farmer’s Hold
