This is will be short and sweet, as my weekend is filled with a lot of activities, as we are holding two Jump Rope Seminars on Friday and Sunday with Molly Metz from Jump N Rope Seminar Team. My workouts were overall pretty good, but my shoulder is still bothering me, and will be going to the doctors on Tuesday, hopefully to get referred to get a cortizone shot sometime next week.
Wednesday, April 25th, 2012 Workout:
A. 2 sets @ 100%- Row 200 meters, 3 min rest- 33.8/34.7
Rest 10 Minutes
B. 2 Sets @ 95%- 15 Touch N Go Power Cleans @ 135 lbs/ 15 sec Airdyne, rest 4 mins- 48 secs/46 secs
Rest 10:0 Minutes
C. 2 sets @ 95% of Run 400 meters- 65 secs/65 secs
Thursday, April 26th, 2012 Workout:
A. DB Snatch Technique @ 100 lbs
B. Massage Therapy
Friday, April 27th, 2012 Workout:
A. Hang Power Clean, 3-3-3-3-3, 185-205-225-235-240
B1. Clean Grip Deadlift @ 12×1, 2 reps @ 245 lbs x 10 sets, rest 30 secs
B2. Handstand Push Ups, 5 fast reps x 10 sets, rest 30 secs
C. Deadlift @ 30×0, 7-7-7, 5 minutes, controlled touch n go reps, 295-325-345