Today was a good day, my best friends, Melissa and Ross, had their first born baby today at 6:30 am, so I was a little distracted from the day of workouts, because I was so excited for them and their new journey as parents. I also was feeling my back alot today, as it has been progressively been very tight, and possibly may have to go get some work done it, to get some kinks worked out. Today was a good day of lifting of snatches and clean and jerks, and then went for a heavy single in the high bar back squat, but actually kept it a medium to heavy weight, as did not want to aggravate it anymore. I def had at least 20 more pounds in me on the high bar back squat, but decided to back off, and take Eric Cressey’s advice, of just sometimes taking it easy and realizing not everyday has to be a maximal effort!
Wednesday, October 12th, 2011 Workout of the Day:
A. Snatch @ 80%, work to heavy singles, 1 x3 @ 180 lbs
B. Clean and Jerk @ 80%, work to heavy singles, 1 x 3 @ 210 lbs
C. High Bar Back Squat, medium to heavy single, up to 335 lbs
D. 100 Sit-Ups