Today was a back off day with aerobic work and skill work. I am feeling pretty good overall, but I do look forward to my rest. This will a short post, and I will be preparin next week to start my online classes with OPT, in the program assessement course. This will last 31 days, and then I will have 3 months of practical work to do to perform on clients, so looking forward to do that, as it will better prepare me for programming within the gym, but also how to assess clients better as well.
Thursday, June 7th, 2012 Workout:
A. Row @ 20:00 Minutes @ 2:05 pace/ 500 meters
Total Meters: 4900 meters
B. Mobility x 20 Minutes
C. Clean Clusters @ 155 lbs, High Hang Power Clean, Above Knee, Below Knee, and Ground x 5 sets, rest 1:30 minute between sets.