"Winners of the Fourth Edition of the Vagabond No Grain Challenge"(12.3.2012)

Vagabond CrossFit On Ramp Beginners Class Starts Monday, December 10th, 2012. Contact us for more information and to sign up. These sell out fast, so get in contact as soon as possible to reserve your spot today.*

On Ramp is a prerequisite and will prepare you to safely complete a regular class. These classes run 3 times a week for two weeks. The next open on ramp will begin December 10th. There are no more than 4-6  people per session so that we can ensure our athletes get the attention they need and can graduate feeling confident in their ability and knowledge of CrossFit. If you would rather complete the On Ramp individually or if these days and times don’t work for you, then we have a 5 session personal training option as well. These personal training sessions will also prepare you in movements and progressions like the class. If you are not sure which is the best path for you to take in order to reach your fitness goals please call us and make a free appointment for and assessment with one of our certified trainers. Other questions email us at [email protected] or call us at 508 930 8734. Claases fill up quickly, so contact us as soon as possible to reserve your spot today.

Click HERE for Pricing Page and Specials for the Beginner’s Class.

*Winners of the Fourth Edition of the Vagabond No Grain Challenge*

Winners received $100 gift card to LuLulemon, $200 of gear from Reebok, and a pair of Reebok Sneakers.

Walter Mirrione Final Results

Weight 158 to 150lbs.

Front Squat 185 to 205 lbs

800M 2:53 to 2:41

AMRAP 15 of 10 KB Swings and 15 Burpees:  8+6 to 11+12

Julie Kelly Final Results

Front squat: 100lbs ………… 125lbs after no-gran
800m Spring: 5:01…………..4:29 after no-grain
15min AMRAP (10KBS@35lbs/15 burpees): 5……………. 6 plus 10KBS plus 4 burpees after no-grain
                                                                                                    Total weight loss: 13lbs
Honorable Mentions
Carlos F. Final Results
started at 159lbs ended at 159lbs.
Front squat went from 195 to 205
800m sprint went from 2:59 to 2:39
15min AMRAP 10kb swings and 15 burpees
7 rounds to 8 rounds +20 reps
Erin Stuart Final Results

Weight:  126
Front Squat:  88 lbs
800 m run:  3:16
AMRAP 15 cal airdyne
               10 KB Swings    9 Rounds
Weight:  124
Front Squat:  105 lbs
800m run:  3:02
AMRAP 15 cal airdyne
               10 KB Swings     10 Rounds 1cal (that is an important calorie!!

*This is not just a weight loss competition but heavily favored with overall results in performance and also participation within the gym. Both of these winners during the 35 Day Challenge were in Vagabond no less than five days and participated in many Vagabond Events. Also if you see their overall results in their performance categories, you will see a vast difference in each category. I am proud to announce Walter and Julie as our Fourth Edition No Grain Winners. Our honorable mentions go to Carlos F. and Erin Stuart, who were nipping at the bit to take the crowns, but fell just short of the title. Either way these two people put in some serious work, and have to mention Erin was dealing with some shoulder issues, but still made time for Vagabond Workouts. Big Congratulations to everyone who participated and pictures will be posted over the next week of some of our participants.

I. Dynamic and Mobility Prep Warm-Up:

5 minutes of movement prep work
*ankles, hips, lower back*
5 minutes of the following:
air squats x 5 reps
air angels x 5 reps
row 100 meters
strict bar dips/push ups x 3 reps
II. Phases Strength and Conditioning:
A. Lifestyle Phase:
Bend Intense + Single Leg(Concentric)/Upper Body Push Cond + Row Sprints
A. Deadlift @ 30×0, work to a heavy single, 12 Minute Time Limit.
B1. Db Russian Step Ups(Box @ knee height) @ 11×1, 6-8 reps x 3 sets, rest 1 minute.
B2. Straight Bar Dips @ 20×0, 6-8 reps x 3 sets, rest 1 minute between sets.
(People can scale to Negative Bar Dips @ 30×0, 3-4 reps x 3 sets or Push Ups)
C. Complete the following for time:
Row 500 Meters
25 DB Thrusters @ moderate weight
15 Strict Ring Rows
Row 500 Meters
25 DB Thrusters @ moderate weight
15 Strict Ring Rows
Row 500 meters
B. Fitness Phase:
Bend Oly + Squat/Pull Battery + Single Leg
A. Find a Heavy Single Snatch(Squat, Power, or Split), 12 Minute Time Limit.
B1. High Bar Back Squat Cluster @ 20×0, 1.1.1 x 5 sets, rest 45 seconds.
B2. Chest to Bar Pull Up Cluster, 5.5 x 5 sets, rest 1 minute.
C. Barbell Step Ups @ 11×1, 6/each leg x 3 sets, rest 1:30.
C. Competition Phase:
Snatch Intense + Clean and Jerk Intense + Back Squat/Muscle Up Intense(No more than 3 sets)
A. Work to 1 Rep Max High Hang Snatch(Full Squat), 10 minute time limit.
B. Muscle Clean Cluster, 1.1.1 x 5 sets, rest as needed between sets,
C1. High Bar Back Squat @ 22×2, 2 reps x 3 sets, rest 1 minute between sets.
C2. Muscle Up Cluster, 2.2.2 x 3 sets, rest 1 minute between sets.
If you cannot perform required amount of muscle ups, bump down rep scheme, or perform 3 chest to bar pull ups + 3 ring dips for each cluster, or work tech of the muscle ups
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